+49 30 3909 3030
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Urbanstraße 71,
10967 Berlin



0 QM

For the most meticulous, the Marzipan-Höfe on Urbanstraße still belong to the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district. The decorative commercial courtyards on the border between the Kreuzberg and Neukölln districts were built in 1910 under the supervision of builder Helmut Piefke on the site of a former timber yard. The courtyards became well-known mainly because of the Berlin marzipan factory Georg Lemke & Co., which produced the finest marzipan here until 1968. The courtyards themselves are undoubtedly an architectural treat that largely survived the Second World War unscathed. Thus, immediately after the end of the war, the first issues of the "Tägliche Rundschau" were printed here.



The Property

Located in the vibrant district of Berlin-Kreuzberg and in close proximity to the former newspaper quarter, this commercial courtyard of GSG Berlin was built in 1910 by builder Helmut Piefke. The bright brick building with green decorative band survived the Second World War unscathed, and in May 1945, a printing house located here was able to produce the daily newspaper “Tägliche Rundschau”.

Even today, the 14 rental units of the property are mainly occupied by large letterpress printers. A copy shop is located in the front building, while architects and companies in the field of dance have also settled there. The commercial spaces between 80 and 520 square meters are suitable for use as offices and business premises, while the drivable ground floors serve as production areas and workshops.

Available Spaces at this Location

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Pioneering and smart. Every day.

We place great importance on providing our tenants with a variety of benefits that make their workday more pleasant and efficient. Our focus is on sustainability, innovation, and well-being. We are proud to offer amenities such as electric car charging options, our own electricity generation from photovoltaic systems, high-speed internet access, and cozy courtyard kitchens for our tenants.


Electric charging stations

By providing the option to charge electric cars at our commercial courtyards, our tenants are even more flexible in their daily lives and do not have to worry about charging options. Become part of our community and benefit from the advantages that our electric charging stations offer on a growing number of our commercial courtyards. Or, as a tenant of GSG Berlin, switch to an electric vehicle and enjoy a hassle-free charging experience at our commercial courtyards.

Solar power

We stand for innovative commercial spaces that focus on sustainability and environmentally-friendly energy. With our impressive photovoltaic system, the largest in Berlin, we generate clean electricity for our tenants and thus contribute to the reduction of CO₂ emissions. As part of our community, you are not only a pioneer for a sustainable future, but also directly benefit from the energy generated by our photovoltaic system.

High-speed internet

By using fiber optic technology, we provide our tenants with the infrastructure they need for success in the digital world. This enables better networking and collaboration between our tenants. Choose GSG Berlin and connect your business with a future-proof and high-performance internet solution that supports your business growth and productivity.


Courtyard kitchens

At our commercial courtyards, we place importance on ensuring that our tenants feel comfortable and have everything they need for a successful workday. That’s why we offer cozy courtyard kitchens at various locations, where our tenants can meet, relax, and enjoy their meals. These communal spaces not only promote collaboration and exchange among our tenants, but also contribute to a pleasant working atmosphere.

E-Ladesäulen auf den Gewerbehöfen der GSG Berlin
Solarstrom auf den Gewerbehöfen der GSG Berlin

In good company

Discover businesses nearby and get to know your new neighbors.

A location that is inspiring and authentic

Discover the district
Standort Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Bezirk entdecken

© Copyright 2023 GSG Berlin GmbH.