Our Address:
GSG Berlin GmbH
Geneststraße 5 (Entrance Reichartstraße 2, Entrance G, 4th floor)
10829 Berlin
+49 30 3909 3030
We look forward to your call!
GSG Berlin GmbH
Geneststraße 5 (Entrance Reichartstraße 2, Entrance G, 4th floor)
10829 Berlin
Please contact our headquarters:
Tel.: 030 / 390 93 0
E-Mail: info@gsg.de
Please contact our leasing department:
(GSG Asset Management GmbH – a company of the GSG Berlin)
Tel.: 030 / 440 123 123
Email: vermietung@gsg.de
Then please direct your inquiries to our tenant hotline:
Tel.: 030 / 390 93 200
Email: mieter-hotline@gsg.de
In the event of an emergency, please contact our emergency hotline.
Tel.: 0800 / 39 000 93
Write us an email or use the following contact form. We are happy to assist you!
© Copyright 2023 GSG Berlin GmbH.